Despertar del Cementerio – now compatible with Time Machine
Today is worth celebrating if you’ve got a Sony PlayStation Portable, since Dark AleX just unleashed a combo of releases. Here, you can find the universal unbricker Despertar del Cementerio version 5 which installs 3.90 M33-3 and brings integration with Dark_AleX’ other homebrew app, the Time Machine.
Download: Despertar del Cementerio v5
Good ‘ol Dark AleX is at it again to get us jumping in joy with the release of Despertar del Cementerio version 5 for the Sony PlayStation Portable. Users of Dark AleX’ other homebrew application, the Time Machine, have a lot to be happy about. Here’s the changelog taken from the Readme:
- Now installs 3.90 M33-3 instead of 3.80 M33-5
- Integration with time machine in case it is installed.
While it’s got new nifty features and gives you the latest release of Dark AleX’ 3.90 M33-3, take note that the process of installation is still dangerous. As a universal unbricker, it is ideal to use this app only when it’s your last hope of reviving your bricked PSP.
The installation process is slightly different in this release especially when you’ve got Time Machine installed, so make sure you check out the Readme file for detailed instructions.
Thanks to JumpR for the tip!
Download: Despertar del Cementerio v5