Fury launches patch for build 34864 with changelog

Fury launches Patch for the 34864 build - Image 1Heads up players of Auran Games’ Fury! We got a special update for you. A new Patch has been released specifically for the 34864 build. It’s definitely got a lot of changes and improvements to the MMORPG. We’re sure it’s something you’ve been yearning for. Head on over to the full article to find out the details of the Patch.

Fury launches Patch for the 34864 build - Image 1Denizens of Auran Games’ Fury, behold the presence of the latest patch that has just been recently launched. Within this particular patch, a lot of changes have been made, including some new additions to the MMORPG.

The maximum size of the patch itself is roughly about 150MB. Quite a big chunk for an update, we have to say. But surely, it’s something that will make your gameplay experience worthwhile.

If you guys have problems with your net connection, don’t worry. The developers have utilized three various servers from sites that don’t require membership. Before you guys go on a gaming rampage and download the latest patch, do read the notes we’ve provided below:

AI Opponents (Bots)

  • Bots have been added to Elimination 1v1, Elimination 4v4, Carnage and Vortex game-types.
  • Bots use Skill Ranks the same as human players.
  • Each Bot will roll on up to one item in the War Zone loot phase.
  • The match maker favors matching human opponents against each other.  Bot opponents are used if a suitable human match cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Players have the option to disable Bot opponents via a checkbox in the Match Maker GUI.


  • Significantly altered power-up placement in Vitae.
  • Major updates to Boneyard. Also, all power-ups have been removed from this map.
  • Path between the Vortex Crystal bases in Druje Dam is a lot nicer to navigate.
  • Various minor map and collision fixes.
  • Removed collision from Team Node “feet”.


  • Holding down any hotkey (e.g. the 1 key) will trigger the selected ability continuously (if target in range etc).
  • War Zone prologue timer will now count down much faster once all players have loaded in.
  • Global Cooldown reduced to 1 second.
  • Charges will no longer be consumed if an attack misses/is resisted by the target.


  • Tutorial has been updated to use a new map and has been greatly reduced in time. Players will now find themselves in combat much faster and will be introduced to more advanced concepts at an appropriate time.
  • Bloodbath Training Grounds now matches 1 human player against 7 Bot opponents.
  • Previous tutorial text window has been replaced with Help Alerts that appear when appropriate.


  • Ongoing work on pre-loading of textures and meshes to improve performance
  • Improved disk caching of character textures and meshes.
  • Bots have been added to Elimination 1v1, Elimination 4v4, Carnage and Vortex game-types.
  • Bots use Skill Ranks the same as human players.
  • Each Bot will roll on up to one item in the War Zone loot phase.
  • The match maker favors matching human opponents against each other.  Bot opponents are used if a suitable human match cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Players have the option to disable Bot opponents via a checkbox in the Match Maker GUI.


  • Significantly altered power-up placement in Vitae.
  • Major updates to Boneyard. Also, all power-ups have been removed from this map.
  • Path between the Vortex Crystal bases in Druje Dam is a lot nicer to navigate.
  • Various minor map and collision fixes.
  • Removed collision from Team Node “feet”.


  • Holding down any hotkey (e.g. the 1 key) will trigger the selected ability continuously (if target in range etc).
  • War Zone prologue timer will now count down much faster once all players have loaded in.
  • Global Cooldown reduced to 1 second.
  • Charges will no longer be consumed if an attack misses/is resisted by the target.


  • Tutorial has been updated to use a new map and has been greatly reduced in time. Players will now find themselves in combat much faster and will be introduced to more advanced concepts at an appropriate time.
  • Bloodbath Training Grounds now matches 1 human player against 7 Bot opponents.
  • Previous tutorial text window has been replaced with Help Alerts that appear when appropriate.


  • Ongoing work on pre-loading of textures and meshes to improve performance
  • Improved disk caching of character textures and meshes.

Via Fury

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