Flying Lab Software details Pirates of the Burning Sea PvP rewards
Tweaking the PVP reward system of a game like Pirates of the Burning Sea is no easy task. There are a lot of factors to consider, as Kevin “Isildur” Maginn knows.
Let Flying Lab Software‘s lead designer tell you all about how he’s trying to strike a critical balance between the players and the economy. Details abound in the full article, right after the jump.
Sometimes, designers have to murder their babies, or at least maim them – in a figurative sense, that is. That seems to be what Flying Lab Software Lead Designer Kevin “Isildur” Maginn is doing.
You see, Maginn is trying to balance the needs of Pirates of the Burning Sea players with that of his brainchild: the game’s economy. In a nutshell, Flying Lab Software is faced with the problem of helping PotBS players get the in-game funds they need for PvP, while trying not to let the game economy get too inflated.
Since the PotBS has yet to be completed, Maginn has had to make concessions in the form of two changes to the PvP Reward Structure. The first change involves the ability to convert Marks of Trade into Marks of Victory.
The second change allows victors of PvP duels to (temporarily) earn cash rewards equivalent to killing NPCs of the same ship level. While it is a bit of a compromise, Maginn acknowledged that PvP in Pirates of the Burning Sea is currently the endgame activity – at least until Flying Lab Software implements port governance.
It’s not an easy decision, especially not for Maginn, but at least it should help get PvP-oriented PotBS players rolling. The revamped PvP Reward System is but one of several features implemented with PotBS Patch 1.3.
Stay tuned for further updates from Flying Lab Software developers regarding the other goodies of the new patch.