Backwards Compatibility Fixed
An update for last week’s backwards compatibility update has been released. Although it doesn’t add any new titles to the list, it does fix some audio bugs experienced in some games. The backwards compatiblity team had this to say:
“Today we’ve released a compatibility update to resolve the loss of audio problem some customers outside of North America and Asia were experiencing with the March update. The Backwards Compatibility product is complex and we committed an error when building the package to release on Live. These issues are now resolved.”
Like always, you can receive the update by popping in any original Xbox title and following the prompts. It will be a few hours before the updated version appears on the Official Xbox Site though.
An update for last week’s backwards compatibility update has been released. Although it doesn’t add any new titles to the list, it does fix some audio bugs experienced in some games. The backwards compatiblity team had this to say:
“Today we’ve released a compatibility update to resolve the loss of audio problem some customers outside of North America and Asia were experiencing with the March update. The Backwards Compatibility product is complex and we committed an error when building the package to release on Live. These issues are now resolved.”
Like always, you can receive the update by popping in any original Xbox title and following the prompts. It will be a few hours before the updated version appears on the Official Xbox Site though.