Here we go again: IGN watermarks on BradyGames’ Okami strategy guide
Just when you thought Capcom‘s woes were over and dealt with regarding the watermarked images, this happens. We’ve picked up word that the cover art for BradyGames’ Okami Wii strategy guide also bears a telltale IGN watermark, albeit in a slightly different location. Details are available in the full article.
Well, it looks like Capcom isn’t the only one who’s been having trouble finding watermark-free art for their Okami Wii box cover. We’ve just received word that BradyGames’ recently published strategy guide for this new Wii title has experienced a similar mishap – an IGN watermark is clearly seen just below Amaterasu’s nose:
What makes this interesting is that the watermark is in a slightly different location. It’s in the same general area (right under the trunk of the tree), but not in relation to the pooch’s snout – this is probably due to a simple shifting of the other layers during image editing.
Those who plan to buy this guide may want to double-check with their copy’s cover. That’s all the info we’ve got for the moment – drop by again in case we pick up any word on how the publisher plans to address the situation.
Via Kotaku