Sins of a Solar Empire’s Outer Space teaser trailer
Stardock and Ironclad Games have released an impressive new teaser for Sins of a Solar Empire that should get people who’ve yet to hear of this game quite excited for it. If you’d like to see the Vasari and the TEC duke it out, space-opera style, then head on over to the full article.
Stardock and Ironclad Games have released an impressive new teaser for Sins of a Solar Empire that should get people who’ve yet to hear of this game (especially people in Europe) quite excited for it.
As you can probably imagine, the teaser trailer features the different alien races duking it out among the stars. Even more impressive, at least from our point of view, was the appearance of a large fleet of ships coming out from hyperspace to beat the stuffing out of an enemy force and bombard an enemy planet with missiles.
If you like the sound of raining shrapnel and the imagined screams of dying alien races, then you’ll definitely find something to love about Sins of a Solar Empire. That being said, enjoy this teaser trailer we have for you today.