Sony’s Kaz Hirai confirms LittleBigPlanet release date this October
Sackboy and Sackgirl fans rejoice for the official release date of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.’s (SCEI) LittleBigPlanet has finally been announced. During a statement made in the ongoing PlayStation Day event, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) president Kaz Hirai has finally pinned down the release date for its highly anticipated title on the PlayStation 3. Find out more about it in our full article after the jump.
During an announcement made in the ongoing PlayStation Day event, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) president Kaz Hiraifinally pinned down the release date for its highly anticipated title on the PlayStation 3, LittleBigPlanet. Slated for a release this October, the confirmation comes close to the initially predicted September release date.
With the game’s closed beta running throughout the summer, the projected October release date seems just right for players to finally get their hands on this title. It will definitely be the perfect time for the pre-holiday rush of shoppers to enjoy themselves with their own Sackboys (or Sackgirls) in this highly customizable platformer.
Hopefully, SCEI will keep steady with this release date until LittleBigPlanet‘s actual arrival. Keep yourselves glued to this spot for more updates regarding the ongoing PlayStation Day event as well as the many titles being discussed there.