SCEE announces release dates for PlayTV and Go!View digital services
Couch potatoes across Europe will be rejoicing in the coming months because Sony Computer Entertainment Europe will be rolling out its premiere digital TV and movie download services very soon. During an announcement made by David Reeves at the PlayStation Day event, he mentioned the release dates for the PlayTV and Go!Live services. Find out when these two will go live by reading our full article.
Turning your next-gen console into a souped up television network can definitely be a glorious thing for the average couch potato. Now there’s even more reason for everyone to celebrate because Sony Computer Entertainment Europe‘s David Reeves recently announced the arrival of PlayTV in Europe this September.
This digital TV service can basically turn your PlayStation 3 console into a Freeview receiver and recorder, which can allow you to watch and record free-to-air TV programs. Every program recorded on the PS3 can then be exported to the XMB and stored there with other videos to watch at your leisure. The service will be priced at €99, although no specific date when it will go live was mentioned.
In addition, PlayStation Portable users don’t have to feel left out since the video and movie download service Go!View will also be going live soon. Reeves mentioned that Go!View will be released by the end of June (the 30th to be exact) and will be available in either subscription or pay-per-view packages for PSP owners in the region.
That’s about it for this PlayStation Day update. For more news regarding the ongoing event, make sure to drop by QJ.NET for more upcoming information.