CoH, CoV Issue 12: Midnight Hour open beta phase goes live
Superpowered heroes and villains alike can now join forces as they take on the new challenges presented in the latest free expansion to City of Heroes and City of Villains. NCsoft recently announced that players can now log into the Training Room and try out the many additions and improvements included in Issue 12: Midnight Hour. More details about this in our full article after the jump.
It’s finally here! NCsoft recently announced that the open beta test phase to its next free expansion to City of Heroes and City of Villains is finally here. Superpowered entities of all types can now log into the Training Room and try out the many additions and improvements included in Issue 12: Midnight Hour.
After extensive testing on the new expansion’s various features, it’s now our turn to take a spin on this superpowered ride. Issue 12 highlights several new additions such as additional new Roman-style zone maps, new villain epic archetypes, major gameplay improvements and more.
Those of you willing to try out the new expansion on the Training Room test server, there are explicit instructions on the City of Heroes Community forums on how to update your game. In addition, you can also view the thread containing all the new changes in Issue 12 on the forums as well.
You can find the link to these thread through the source link we’ve provided below. In any case, go ahead and don those spandex tights and check out the latest expansion to these superpowered MMO titles.