Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, better in PC or Xbox 360?
We all know how successful Oblivion is so far (despite those cheap and obvious gimmick horse armour downloads), what we (and perhaps everyone who has played the game) want to know is which gaming experience is better, Oblivion in PC or Oblivion in Xbox 360?
Both version have the same content and gameplay, what sets the possible difference lies mostly in hardware. The problem only exists if you’re either a rich kid that can own both, or a not-so-rich kid who can only one of each; now let’s not go talking about the poor kid who can afford neither.
Here are some points to ponder on regarding the pro’s and con’s of each:
In Xbox 360, the gaming version offers a more solid performance, insanely hooking unlockable modes, and a cool Dolby Digital 5.1 surround built-in feature. Minuses are of course the $59 retail price and limited access to game mods.
For PC on the other hand, Oblivion is absolutely engaging on a high-end PC, better availability of Mods, and cheaper retail price. Negatives though are the game’s interface that is more console-based, making it slightly different, and the system hog that bogs on old graphic cards.
In other words, both system offers a different set of features that makes it harder to decide which is better. Ultimately, it lies on what personal preferences a particular gamer has. Makes me want to be the poor kid who can’t afford both, at least I won’t have this dilemma. How about you, which do you prefer?
We all know how successful Oblivion is so far (despite those cheap and obvious gimmick horse armour downloads), what we (and perhaps everyone who has played the game) want to know is which gaming experience is better, Oblivion in PC or Oblivion in Xbox 360?
Both version have the same content and gameplay, what sets the possible difference lies mostly in hardware. The problem only exists if you’re either a rich kid that can own both, or a not-so-rich kid who can only one of each; now let’s not go talking about the poor kid who can afford neither.
Here are some points to ponder on regarding the pro’s and con’s of each:
In Xbox 360, the gaming version offers a more solid performance, insanely hooking unlockable modes, and a cool Dolby Digital 5.1 surround built-in feature. Minuses are of course the $59 retail price and limited access to game mods.
For PC on the other hand, Oblivion is absolutely engaging on a high-end PC, better availability of Mods, and cheaper retail price. Negatives though are the game’s interface that is more console-based, making it slightly different, and the system hog that bogs on old graphic cards.
In other words, both system offers a different set of features that makes it harder to decide which is better. Ultimately, it lies on what personal preferences a particular gamer has. Makes me want to be the poor kid who can’t afford both, at least I won’t have this dilemma. How about you, which do you prefer?