Runescape developer working on new MMO
Jagex Ltd, the creators of the popular Runescape, are currently working on a new MMO which will be coming out early next year. At least that’s what Geoff Iddison, the CEO of the company said during the recent GameHorizon Conference in Newcastle. To find out more, head on over to the full article.
Geoff Iddison, CEO of Jagex Ltd, revealed at the GameHorizon Conference in Newcastle that they are working on a new (and thus unnamed) MMO which will be released on March 2009. For those who aren’t familiar with Jagex, this is the same company which created the popular MMO Runescape.
This new game hopes to capitalize, on what Hudson believes, is the strength of their company at the moment: it’s infrastructure. Here’s what he had to say about it:
We’ve got an infrastructure behind Runescape which is the real silver of the Jagex, the value of the company. It’s not the game, the game is going to come and go. The infrastructure is the thing that can scale. Runescape has 10 years of good growth, but the infrastructure is infinitely scalable.
So there you have it. It seems that casual MMORPG players will have yet another game to try out and play by March next year. It makes one wonder how long it will be before this “MMO bubble” bursts.