Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures – Funcom responds to siege problems
Funcom Community Manager Glen “Famine” Swan released an official statement regarding the reported siege problems in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures in the game’s official forums. To find out what Funcom is doing about the problem, head on over to the full article.
Funcom Community Manager Glen “Famine” Swan was on the boards recently where he released an official statement regarding the reported siege problems in Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.
According to the post, the developers will be focusing on improving client performance as well as the content and collision issues that were reported by the players who conducted the raid.
First up, he addressed the bigger of the two issues, client performance. Gamers will be happy to know that there are a number of fixes already in the pipeline and the developers are hoping to get up a few of these by as early as the Monday downtime:
The improvements will include: a) ways to remove / hide performance impacting particles and sound, b) a more stylized view-distance (shorter and more pvp fitting) in the battle areas to increase framerate c) changes to how certain abilities and spells are being propagated. We are also confident that this fixes will greatly improve the framerate and overall client performance in the Siege Battles.
In addition, the developers have promised that they will not stop optimizing this instance until they get to a stage where “we [Funcom] are happy that all clients can host / participate in Siege PvP.”
With regards to content and collision, the developers have said that the problems are not as bad as the client issues. The post said that Funcom already have collision bug fixes for the dynamic collision on their way already.
While I love the game as much as the next guy and want to believe in what the developers are saying, I’ll have to wait for these fixes to go live and see if they really improve the performance of the sieges. That said, props to Funcom for getting on this problem quickly.
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Via AoC Forums