PSP Homebrew: Quiz Man v1
If you enjoy quiz games for the PlayStation Portable, then you might want to check out homebrew developer Maxy_PSP‘s Quiz Man v1. It features a variety of features including skinnable graphics, online leaderboards, as well as an online update feature and quizmaker. For more on this, check out the full article.
Download: Quiz Man v1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Homebrew developer Maxy_PSP has released Quiz Man v1 for the Playstation Portable. Just what exactly is Quiz Man? Well, as the name implies, it’s a quiz game for the aforementioned handheld. However, it features a variety of features including skinnable graphics, online leaderboards, as well as an online update feature and quizmaker.
If you plan on downloading the application, be sure to go over the readme file included with the program. That said, here are the features of the game as taken from the application’s release thread:
[Since Beta Version]
- [ADDED] Quiz Browser
- [ADDED] Quiz Info Menu
- [ADDED] Time in Menu
- [ADDED] GFX (Yay!) (Skinable)
- [ADDED] Register Feature
- [ADDED] Online Quiz Feature
- [ADDED] Authentication(Register) Information Saved In a File
- [ADDED] Encryption/Decryption on the password
- [ADDED] Splash (With Effect)
- [ADDED] Update Feature
- [ADDED] Function to Recreate file with authentication information
- [ADDED] Scoreboard Feature (When online quiz is done, your Score and time will be uploaded)-> Need to register
- [ADDED] Quiz Maker + Quiz name stored in quiz file
- [CHANGED] Maximum Questions is now 20 (Instead of 10)
Download: Quiz Man v1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums