Bleach Adventure version v0.2 – gameplay video and AI added
As promised, pspflashsystem is working hard on the development of his homebrew game, Bleach Adventure. After the demo he released a couple of weeks back, he’s now released v0.2. There’s also a gameplay video waiting for you after the jump, so why don’t you go check it out and judge this brew for yourself.
Download: Bleach Adventure v0.2
Discuss: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Development certainly is progressing for pspflashsytem’s homebrew game, Bleach Adventure. This release ups it to version 0.2 and brings you more fun in the form of bug fixes and additions.
Here’s the changelog for Bleach Adventure v0.2:
- One of the hollows follows you with automatic displacement
- Added “AI”
- Management of displacements of the civilians in the city (the civilians are links but in the final version will belong true “civilians”)
- System of collisions ameliorated with addition of the superimposing of the elements of the decor
- Fixed some bugs in the battle
- Modification of some element of the decor (the colours of dialogues being not changed through lack of time at this time of hollydays)
- Better precision of the attacks of the hollows: consequently hollows would not miss you any more
- Modification of the PIC1.png
To boot, pspflashsystem has also posted a video on YouTube showing his developing game in progress. We’ve got it right here so all you have to do is just click on that Play button to check it out.
To discuss the game, we’ve also got the thread at our forums, and we’ve also linked pspflashsystem’s site via the source link below. Make sure to check out the readme, guys. Oh, and while you’re at it, might as well brush up on your French.
Download: Bleach Adventure v0.2
Discuss: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Via PSPGen