Phoenix Down for hopefuls: big FF7 announcement soon
The age old question/rumor (which Square Enix has continuously debunked and alternatively hinted at) may be answered very soon: will FF7 really get a remake or not? For some of the more hopeful people out there,Tetsuya Nomura‘s recent announcement (about another announcement) might be a bit of a Phoenix Down to pick you guys up. What with the coming release of FF7: Advent Children Complete movie, who knows what else might drop alongside it? Do Aeris a favor and dig into the Item menu found in the full article for details.
Hopefuls have yet another statement to cling on to so that their dreams of a Final Fantasy VII remake might happen. While I myself have given up on that pipe dream long ago, I’ve always followed the “if it’ll happen, it’ll happen” school of philosophy. But report on this I shall, nonetheless.
Veteran Square Enix character designer Tetsuya Nomura has revealed to Dengeki magazine that they’re prepping quite a doozy of an announcement right alongside the release of the Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Complete movie.
According to translations, FF7ACC is pretty much done now and they’re just about to announce the Japanese release date for that movie. And when they eventually do, they’ll be dropping one Jenova Mother of a bomb. All sources point towards the upcoming DKΣ3713 event, or maybe even sooner, during E3.
French webbie Final Fantasy World has translated the original Japanese into French with the following quote [English translation follows]:
Au final, le film devrait gagner en longueur et en densité. La date de sortie japonaise a été décidée, mais il va falloir attendre (sûrement jusqu’à l’événement DKΣ3713, début août) pour qu’elle soit dévoilée. Nomura note également qu’une grosse annonce devrait accompagner celle de la date de sortie, sans donner plus de détails.
The Japanese release date [for FF7ACC] has been decided, but it will have to wait (probably to the event DKΣ3713 in early August) so that it is unveiled. Nomura also notes that a big announcement that should accompany the release date, without giving more details.
As you can see, not much is known about what they’ll be revealing, not even whether or not it’s FF7-related to begin with – at this point it could be anything. FF7 remake aside, it could be of or relating to the FF7 canon. That includes Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, and Advent Children. Maybe a new game altogether? Heck, it might even be about Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
For those who are keeping tabs: yes, my 100% bunk character roster wish list for Dissidia still remains just that – 100% bunk. LOL. Fat chance of that happening. Poo.
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