Pilotwings Sequel Under Development?
There are rumors floating around saying that Nintendo will bring the popular Pilotwings series to the Nintendo Revolution. According to the latest issue of EGM, Nintendo has already been hard at work on a Pilotwings sequel, but as of now Nintendo hasn’t officially announced anything. GameCube owners have been waiting for a release for quite some time now, but it seems as if there day has come and gone. Pilotwings 64 was a great title that featured hang gliders, gyro-copters, jet packs, and a few other aerial transportation devices. If this is true, it’ll be interesting to see how the Revolution’s controller will tie into all of this.
There are rumors floating around saying that Nintendo will bring the popular Pilotwings series to the Nintendo Revolution. According to the latest issue of EGM, Nintendo has already been hard at work on a Pilotwings sequel, but as of now Nintendo hasn’t officially announced anything. GameCube owners have been waiting for a release for quite some time now, but it seems as if there day has come and gone. Pilotwings 64 was a great title that featured hang gliders, gyro-copters, jet packs, and a few other aerial transportation devices. If this is true, it’ll be interesting to see how the Revolution’s controller will tie into all of this.