Nintendo looking to holographic data storage for the Wii?
Well we all know how much of a problem data storage is on the Wii, but it seems Nintendo’s solution might be a bit overkill. A newly uncovered patent indicates that they are looking into holographic data storage, what may very well be the next media storage tech after Blu-ray, with future models being developed to hold up to 1.6 terabytes of space. Details in the full article.
Storage space on the Wii has been a growing problem for some time now. Even Nintendo of America‘s Reggie Fils-Aime was forced to admit that it’s now a “mainstream problem.” Still, it seems that Nintendo’s solution may be a bit overkill, if this newly uncovered patent has anything to say about it.
According to the patent, Nintendo is working with InPhase Technologies to use Holographic Data Storage. This storage tech may very well be the next stage media storage after Blu-ray. Their storage technology aims to store anywhere from 300 GB to 1.6 TB (yes, that’s terabytes) of space. I did say overkill.
It’s all speculation for now though. Will it be used as a storage solution for the Wii? Or will Nintendo finally compete in the next batch of consoles in terms of hardware performance? At any rate, this is very promising news, and I for one, am very excited to see where they’re going to go with this.
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