PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest 2008: Mega Drops 2

PSP Homebrew - Image 1Daaa57150‘s homebrew puzzle game Mega Drops has been given a bit of an overhaul for this year’s PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest. After a round of bug fixes and a brand-spanking new GUI, we now have Mega Drops 2. More in the full article.

Download: Mega Drops 2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

Daaa57150‘s homebrew puzzle game Mega Drops has been given a bit of an overhaul for this year’s PSP Updates Summer Homebrew Contest, resulting in the release of Mega Drops 2.

At its core, Mega Drops 2 is a musical puzzle game that works kinda like a Tetris game that underwent plastic surgery, only with more emphasis on the music. Here’s a vid showing Mega Drops’ gameplay:

If you’ve played the original Mega Drops, you’ll notice that there are basically no changes to the gameplay here. A lot of bugs have been fixed, though, and the sequel sports a better GUI than the original. Mega Drops 2 also saves best scores and combos for each level.

Mega Drops has been tested on both Fat and Slim PSPs running custom firmware 3.71M33-4, but the developer says that it should work on most custom firmwares. Check out the readme file for installation instructions.

Download: Mega Drops 2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development forum

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