RoxPaint! v1.1: MSPaint clone with on-the-fly resizable canvas
September 22, 2008
From developer roxfox64 comes a new MSPaint clone for your PSP. Called RoxPaint! The best feature that this program sports is a canvas that you can resize on the fly. More details after the link.
Download: RoxPaint! v1.1
From developer roxfox64 comes a new MSPaint clone for your PSP. Called RoxPaint! The best feature that this program sports is a canvas that you can resize on the fly.
This program was coded in Lua, and is “still under construction,” as described by the author. Note that it’s not a standalone program, and you’ll need a LuaPlayer to run it. The author will write it as a standalone program once all of its planned features have been setup.
Here are the controls for RoxPaint!:
- Analog = Move cursor
- D-Pad = Resize screen
- Cross = Select
- Circle = De-select
- To resize the canvas:
- Press cross on the Resize button
- Use the D-Pad to change the size.
- There is a counter on the right of the resize button that will tell you your current resolution at all times.
- To stop using the resizer press circle.
- You cannot go past 480×220 in this version.
- To Save your picture:
- Move the cursor to the save button, and press cross.
- It saves to ms0:/psp/photo
Download: RoxPaint! v1.1
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Via roxfox