Sony job listing hints at LittleBigPlanet for PSP *UPDATE* Rumor no longer: talks on PSP version in progress
A new job listing on the SCEE website says that they’re looking for a new PSP game engine lead to work on LittleBigPlanet projects. Well that feeds new fuel to the rumor that popped up a few months ago. Are the sackboys going portable?
It’s a rumor no longer! Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healy reveals plans for a PSP version of the game.
A new job listing on the SCEE website says that they’re looking for a new PSP game engine lead to work on the development of LittleBigPlanetprojects.
If you remember, a rumor popped up a few months ago saying that Sony Studio Liverpool is working on the PSP version of the game. So are the sackboys going portable?
Assuming we take this job listing point blank, and say there is a LittleBigPlanet project coming for the PSP, what can we expect? An entirely new creation game based on the PS3 version perhaps (downsized for the PSP of course), or some extension of the PS3 game for the PSP?
All speculation for now, but any iteration of the game on the PSP sounds good to me.
It’s a rumor no longer! Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healy reveals that there are indeed talks of a PSP version for LittleBigPlanet, but nothing is concrete at the moment.
He does say how he imagines how LittleBigPlanet would appear on the PSP, saying that it would be a companion product that will “allow you to create things while you’re on the train.” He adds:
One thing that I’d love to add is the ability to create you’re own music, for example, that you can import into the game. That seems like an obvious one to do and it’d be quite easy really.
If the PSP version will indeed pull through, it sounds like it’ll be a fine companion product for the game.
Via PSP Fanboy