Webnab 0.4a2 for PSP
Danzel from our forums, also the developer AFKIM, has released v0.4 alpha 2 of his Webnab (“Why eat bananas, not a browser”) RSS News reader for the PSP. Webnab 0.4a2 will read both RSS and atom feeds.
This version is just for 2.0+ users really, as Danzel has fixed Webnab so that it works with the 2.0+ Bock eLoader, and you can now press select to exit (although it doesn’t work on some screens). 1.5 users have nothing extra, so there’s no point downloading unless your on 2.0+. Looks like the future is bright for 2.0+ users, with all these new programs that work with the Bock eLoader!
Here’s his to do list for an idea of what might be in the next release:
Add picture and mp3 download/viewing.
Add comment viewing on pspupdates.
Support variable width fonts.
Fix the international support 😐 (need working iconv in newlib)
Add more compliance to rss/atom parsers so we can parse better (Looks pretty good atm).
Clean up source code hacks.
Release under GPL (its not GPL licensed atm so don’t ask for the code, I’ll release it when i’m ready too)
Download: [Webnab 0.4a2 for 2.0+ fw]
Danzel from our forums, also the developer AFKIM, has released v0.4 alpha 2 of his Webnab (“Why eat bananas, not a browser”) RSS News reader for the PSP. Webnab 0.4a2 will read both RSS and atom feeds.
This version is just for 2.0+ users really, as Danzel has fixed Webnab so that it works with the 2.0+ Bock eLoader, and you can now press select to exit (although it doesn’t work on some screens). 1.5 users have nothing extra, so there’s no point downloading unless your on 2.0+. Looks like the future is bright for 2.0+ users, with all these new programs that work with the Bock eLoader!
Here’s his to do list for an idea of what might be in the next release:
Add picture and mp3 download/viewing.
Add comment viewing on pspupdates.
Support variable width fonts.
Fix the international support 😐 (need working iconv in newlib)
Add more compliance to rss/atom parsers so we can parse better (Looks pretty good atm).
Clean up source code hacks.
Release under GPL (its not GPL licensed atm so don’t ask for the code, I’ll release it when i’m ready too)
Download: [Webnab 0.4a2 for 2.0+ fw]