Critics agree: LittleBigPlanet rocks

LittleBigPlanet - Image 1Even the most snooty critics who seem to have shriveled black lumps for hearts have warmed to the little big puzzle platformer by Media Molecule, much to the joy of SCEE UK marketing manager Adam Boita. LittleBigPlanet debuts at the number two spot on Metacritic this week with an average score of 95% (though it’s since dropped to 3rd place in the face of Bioshock‘s 96%.)

LittleBigPlanet - Image 1

SCEE UK marketing manager Adam Boita was ecstatic this week upon hearing the news that LittleBigPlanet averaged a 95% score on Metacritic.

“The icing on the cake has to be LittleBigPlanet,” he said. “Even the most cynical of critics have been won over by this simply wonderful game,”  which is, admittedly, an accomplishment reminiscent of the Grinch suddenly opting to save Christmas.

The 95% average bumps the adorable Sackboys into the top three highest scoring games for the PS3 ever, just under Grand Theft Auto IV and Bioshock, respectively. Sorry Snake, Sack boy is evidently more awesome than you.

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