Analyst: platform-exclusive titles pull down sales of competing consoles
Analyst Jesse Divnich, who made a booboo predicting that the Xbox 360 price cut will affect sales of the PlayStation 3, now wants to make another point: console exclusives decrease sales of competing consoles. Interesting. More after the link.
Analyst Jesse Divnich, who made a booboo predicting that the Xbox 360 price cut will affect sales of the PlayStation 3, now wants to make another point: console exclusives decrease sales of competing consoles. Interesting.
As you can see from the very boring-looking chart above, Divnich laid out data of console sales during the release of platform-exclusive titles such as Metal Gear Sold 4, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Halo 3, and God of War 2. For good measure he also put in the multi-platform title Grand Theft Auto IV.
With the exception of GTAIV, every release managed to pull down sales of its competing platforms. Even God of War 2, which is a PS2 exclusive, managed to pull down sales of all three consoles. Divnich points out that this is no coincidence as it was the only time in all of 2007 that sales of all three consoles were pulled down.
So what’s Divnich’s point? Only this: “at the end of the day, a cheap hardware system means little if it doesn’t have great titles to go along with it.” A very significant point to make, considering that LittleBigPlanet is just around the corner.
Via Gamasutra