Atari: new Mizuguchi game called ‘QJ’, Ghostbusters on June 2009

Atari - Image 1Tetsuya Mizuguchi (of Lumines, Rez fame) just loves our news blog so much that he’s decided to name his upcoming game after our site! (Or… not.) Whatever the case, Atari‘s recent press conference had former Sony bigwig Phil Harrison handle the proceedings. Some of the biggest news they’ve announced in the event involves Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s latest rhythm game and the upcoming Ghostbusters multi-platform title’s release window.

Atari - Every Extend Extra - Image 1Atari‘s recent press conference had former Sony bigwig Phil Harrison handle the proceedings. Some of the biggest news they’ve announced in the event involves Tetsuya Mizuguchi‘s latest rhythm game and the upcoming Ghostbusters multi-platform title.

First up: Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s latest game. Following trippy titles like Rez, E3, Lumines, etc., this time around, we’ll get a game for the Nintendo Wii. Not much details have been given, except for the game’s working title: QJ.

Yes, Mizuguchi just loves us that much that he named his next game after our news blog… or not. *teardrops*

In other news, they’ve also announced that Q Entertainment will release a bundle called Q3 (pronounced “Cubed“). This bundle will contain the following Mizuguchi classics: Lumines Live, Every Extend Extra Extreme, and Rez HD.

Atari’s also revealed that Ghostbusters will be heading to consoles and handhelds next year on June. Namely, that’d be on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and DS.

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Via TechRadar

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