Not impressed with MS Vista? Microsoft announces Fiji and Vienna
Microsoft has announced its newest version after Vista and it’s called Fiji, at least that’s the name for right now. However, the delays in Vista may have a domino effect on newer systems including Fiji or Vienna, Fiji’s successor. Although, Microsoft has pushed back Vista’s release even further they have already named its followers but have no specific date in mind when these newer systems will be available nor are they sure what new features the systems will have, but you can believe the minds behind the new systems will figure out something that will entice consumers, as soon as the release times are in order.
Microsoft has announced its newest version after Vista and it’s called Fiji, at least that’s the name for right now. However, the delays in Vista may have a domino effect on newer systems including Fiji or Vienna, Fiji’s successor. Although, Microsoft has pushed back Vista’s release even further they have already named its followers but have no specific date in mind when these newer systems will be available nor are they sure what new features the systems will have, but you can believe the minds behind the new systems will figure out something that will entice consumers, as soon as the release times are in order.