X-Men Origins: Wolverine gameplay details: real-time regen, in-depth combos, others

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Image 1Liked that first screenshot of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP) much, didn’t you? That’s just a whiff of more bad-ass things to come. Activision‘s just released more salivating info on this adamantium-armed hero and his solo game.

Liked that first screenshot of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP) much, didn’t you? That’s just a whiff of more bad-ass things to come. Activision‘s just released more salivating info on this adamantium-armed hero and his solo game.

First off (and you probably know this by now), the video game will be released on May of 2009 to coincide with the international premier of its movie counterpart. Second, it’s gonna be an epic action-adventure type of game that’s set in real-world locals.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Image 1 

As can be gleaned from the title, the journey of the story basically centers on tracing back Wolverine’s past, going through several challenges for him to hone his animal instincts, discover and evade hidden dangers, and of course, hunting and beating down enemies.

His skills have also been pushed to the limits here, with gameplay enacting lighting-quick combat, evasive maneuvers, in-depth combo attacks, and a whole slew of cool, brutal finishing moves. To top all of that, you get to see Wolverine heal himself, thanks to his mutant regenerative power, right before your eyes in real time. Cool, huh?

Rob Kostich, vice president for global brand management of Activision, has a little something to say about this project:

We have an amazing team with Raven Studios at the helm, creating what will undoubtedly be the quintessential, true-to-character Wolverine video game experience that fans have been craving. X-Men Origins: Wolverine amps up the action by bringing to life Wolverine’s wholly unique skills such as his brute strength, regenerative mutant abilities, and indestructible adamantium claws and skeleton in an immersive experience that is fitting to one of the most enduring and popular characters of all time.

We expect more details to start trickling in, especially since the release is but a few months away from now. We just hope both the film and the game will live up to the expectations it’s set for us.

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