PSP Homebrew – GoblinPSP
GoblinPSP is a homebrew app for the PSP by Moscas of the Italian PSP forums, and it’s a PC program for “a variety of functions”. Supposedly, it can back up data from your memstick, load and / or delete your backup UMD, and more, so check out the rest of its features after the jump.
Download: GoblinPSP
GoblinPSP is a homebrew app for the PSP by Moscas of the Italian PSP forums, and it’s a PC program for “a variety of functions”. Says the description, “GoblinPSP there will indeed carry out operations to back up the data on your memory stick, load and / or delete your backup UMD and also to launch programs like RemoteJoy and USBIsoloader.
Another challenging translation awaits, so we just posted here verbatim what Google did. The first couple of items were easily translated, but the rest would most likely require the use of a bit of context clues. I think “Caricare/Cancellare” would mean Cancel. But don’t take my word for it. Check it out below and feel free to take a crack at it yourself.
Ability to execute:
- Backup memory stick
- Backup-saves
- Iso -Caricare/Cancellare
- Caricare/Cancellare Pictures
- Caricare/Cancellare Mp3 and wma
- Caricare/Cancellare Video
- Remotejoy & UsbIsoloader (for the latter two is needed on the presence of PRX on PSP)
- It also present the “Find Updates” in case of new releases, so you can update the program.
Download: GoblinPSP