Inside the PS3’s Operating System.
We just reported that the PS3 “might” be delayed. Not in a good mood? Well, sorry guys, but there might be another problem. This time, it’s something to do with the PS3’s Operating System. You know, those things which take care of the hardware and software. For example, Windows XP for the PC.
First, let me give you a little background info about the Xbox 360’s OS :
- The OS runs continually in the background. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a game or watching a movie. The operating system stays in the background continuously interfacing with the hardware and software.
- While it might suck-up a bit of the resources (more on that later), it helps immensely. It’s easier to make online play. The whole interface becomes solid and one.
- Features like Voice Chat, Custom Music, Alerts in all games, regardless whether the game-devs decide to put it or not.
Now, about the processing power which it uses to do this :
- 32mb of the 512mb of available GDDR3 RAM
- 3% CPU time on Core1 and Core2 (nothing is reserved on Core0)
In the case of the Xbox360, this cost is approximately 2% of total CPU time and 6.25% of the Xbox360’s total available RAM. Balancing these out, one could argue that MS has removed a total of 4% of the Xbox360’s total available system power in order to provide these features and more which were not mentioned. They also left room, CPU and RAM wise, for future features. In other words, they are not entirely using all of the CPU Time and RAM that they have reserved to date.
It is well known that the PS3 will be having 7 SPEs on the Cell Processor. And the PS3 will also be having a continuous running OS like the Xbox 360. Its features will be pretty similar to the Xbox 360’s OS too.
Now for some bad news, the PS3’s OS will be using resources in the following manner :
- 32mb of the 256mb of available GDDR3 memory off the RSX chip.
- 64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory off the Cell CPU
- 1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved.
- 1 SPE of 7 able to be “taken” by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested)
Now if we use the Xbox 360’s example, then the PS3’s OS is using 25% of the available Cores on the CPU and 18.75% of the available RAM in the system. Balancing these out, one could argue that Sony has removed a total of 23% of the available system power in the PS3 for these features as well as others that are not mentioned here or will be added in future updates to the PS3 Operation System.
So what does that mean for the PS3 ? Well, for starters, the Operating System will be using more resources when compared the 360’s. This means that even though the PS3 might be more powerful than the 360, it’s using more resources for processing things other than the game itself. While it is certain that you won’t get all the processing power for gaming, we still don’t know how much exactly.
We just reported that the PS3 “might” be delayed. Not in a good mood? Well, sorry guys, but there might be another problem. This time, it’s something to do with the PS3’s Operating System. You know, those things which take care of the hardware and software. For example, Windows XP for the PC.
First, let me give you a little background info about the Xbox 360’s OS :
- The OS runs continually in the background. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a game or watching a movie. The operating system stays in the background continuously interfacing with the hardware and software.
- While it might suck-up a bit of the resources (more on that later), it helps immensely. It’s easier to make online play. The whole interface becomes solid and one.
- Features like Voice Chat, Custom Music, Alerts in all games, regardless whether the game-devs decide to put it or not.
Now, about the processing power which it uses to do this :
- 32mb of the 512mb of available GDDR3 RAM
- 3% CPU time on Core1 and Core2 (nothing is reserved on Core0)
In the case of the Xbox360, this cost is approximately 2% of total CPU time and 6.25% of the Xbox360’s total available RAM. Balancing these out, one could argue that MS has removed a total of 4% of the Xbox360’s total available system power in order to provide these features and more which were not mentioned. They also left room, CPU and RAM wise, for future features. In other words, they are not entirely using all of the CPU Time and RAM that they have reserved to date.
It is well known that the PS3 will be having 7 SPEs on the Cell Processor. And the PS3 will also be having a continuous running OS like the Xbox 360. Its features will be pretty similar to the Xbox 360’s OS too.
Now for some bad news, the PS3’s OS will be using resources in the following manner :
- 32mb of the 256mb of available GDDR3 memory off the RSX chip.
- 64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory off the Cell CPU
- 1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved.
- 1 SPE of 7 able to be “taken” by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested)
Now if we use the Xbox 360’s example, then the PS3’s OS is using 25% of the available Cores on the CPU and 18.75% of the available RAM in the system. Balancing these out, one could argue that Sony has removed a total of 23% of the available system power in the PS3 for these features as well as others that are not mentioned here or will be added in future updates to the PS3 Operation System.
So what does that mean for the PS3 ? Well, for starters, the Operating System will be using more resources when compared the 360’s. This means that even though the PS3 might be more powerful than the 360, it’s using more resources for processing things other than the game itself. While it is certain that you won’t get all the processing power for gaming, we still don’t know how much exactly.