PSArchiver 0.15: download homebrew straight from your PSP

 Homebrew - PSArchiver 0.15 - Image 1Here’s a useful piece of homebrew from vista200. It lets you download homebrew straight from your PSP using a WLAN connection. Details after the link.

Download: PSArchiver v0.15
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

 Homebrew - PSArchiver 0.15 - Image 1Here’s a useful piece of homebrew from vista200. It lets you download homebrew straight from your PSP using a WLAN connection.

Here are the release notes from vista200:

What does this homebrew do?

  • Do you ever wanted to download homebrews without the use of a computer? Then it’s your turn! Download a lot of homebrews right onto your PSP. Everything you need is a PSP and a WLAN Connection. Then, connect to the AP and start downloading your favourite homebrews.
  • List the homebrews alphabetically, search for them, have a look at other’s favourite homebrews!

How to use?

  • All you need to do is to download this piece of software: [download link below]. Place it in X:PSPGAMEPSArchiver for clarity^^
  • When you have a look at a multi-page-category, press L and R to go to the next page(s). Press X to get to the “Info-Screen”. Press X again to download the homebrew, circle to cancel.

If you want to add to the homebrew list, you can visit our forums by following the link below. You can also visit our forums for discussions or suggestions about the program.

Download: PSArchiver v0.15
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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