Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.6: save state bug fix, SD card access fix
December 28, 2008
Here’s another emulator to give your Wii more bang for the buck. This is an update to Visual Boy Advance GX, an emulator for the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. There are several improvements to the emu’s features – changelog after the link.
Download: Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.6
Here’s another emulator to give your Wii more bang for the buck. This is an update to Visual Boy Advance GX, an emulator for the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance.
There are several improvements to the emu’s features, some of them following the same changes made to Tantric‘s other emulator, Snes9x GX. Here’s the full changelog:
- Fixed save state saving bug
- Fixed unstable SD card access
- Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
- Auto-update feature (Wii only)
- Rewritten SMB access – speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
- Improved file access code
- Resetting preferences now resets controls
- Minor bug fixes
Download: Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.6
Previous Version:
Via vba-wii