Play MP4 AVC on your PSP: PMPlayer Advance build 20090205
Tuning up his video player application, cooleyes has released PMPlayer Advance build 20090205. The changelog is pretty short, but it still makes the player that much more compatible with better standards in getting your video to run.
Download: PMPlayer Advance build 20090205
Tuning up his video player application, cooleyes has released PMPlayer Advance build 20090205. The changelog is pretty short, but it still makes the player that much more compatible with better standards in getting your video to run. Here’s what’s new:
- Support for the PSP & iPhone compatible format player MP4AVC
Aside from that, there’s not much to be said. If you’re still using PMPlayer Advance, then there wouldn’t be any reason why you shouldn’t update to this current build. Nice to see this project still getting updates, considering it’s one of the oldest homerbew video players for the PSP too.
Download: PMPlayer Advance build 20090205
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Via Cngba