Wii homebrew: AnyTitle Deleter MOD v3.0, now with backup functions

Wii homebrewAs you may know, the original app (from tona) allows you to delete some titles on your Wii – IOS files, MIOS, system channels, the lot of them. Red Squirrel‘s most recent AnyTitle Deleter MOD v3.0 has a bunch of improvements, including a backup function to safekeep your installed items.

Download: AnyTitle Deleter MOD v3.0

Homebrew - AnyTitle Deleter MOD v.1.0 - Image 1When Red Squirrel said he’d be leaving the PSP scene for Wii homebrew development, he sure wasn’t backing down from that. He’s on full throttle now, with yet another release for his AnyTitle Deleter modded version.

As you may know, the original app (from tona) allows you to delete some titles on your Wii – IOS files, MIOS, system channels, the lot of them.

Red Squirrel’s most recent AnyTitle Deleter MOD v3.0 has the following changelog of improvements:

  • Added a function to backup all own installed titles to a TXT file into SD root (based on bushing‘s title lister)
  • Added a function to exit rebooting the console (usefull to install the program as a channel)
  • Changed the buttons configuration: now with “HOME” you’ll backup all installed titles into SD, with “1” you’ll exit from the program returning to Homebrew Channel and with “2” you’ll exit from the program rebooting the Wii.
  • Changed the number of titles shown in a page: now they will be 12 instead 17 (to fix visualization issues).
  • Added a pre-made channel for the application.

Download: AnyTitle Deleter MOD v3.0

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Via PSPcheats

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