First Rock Band: Unplugged details
Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we got a few details regarding Electronic Arts and MTV Games‘ Rock Band: Unplugged for the PlayStation Portable. Jump to the full article for the 411.
Now that the cat’s out of the bag, here are a few details regarding Electronic Arts and MTV Games‘ Rock Band: Unplugged for the PlayStation Portable. Oh, and before anything else, the image up top isn’t an actual screenshot, alright?
Anyway, the usual Rock Band gameplay will still be implemented in Unplugged. All input will be handled by the Left, Up, Triangle, and Circle buttons, so there’s no need for a special controller attachment. The L and R shoulder buttons are used to switch between guitar, drums, bass, and vocals. No actual singing, mind you, just button pressing.
During actual gameplay, song tracks will be broken down into phrases. You get a multiplier when you play a phrase perfectly, and while you can switch between instruments at any time, switching at the right moment will let you keep your multiplier boost. Overdrive is also included. Multiplayer’s a no-go though.
The game will ship with tracks from AFI, Blink 182, Boston, Kansas, Lit, and The Police. Hey, 3 good bands out of 6 ain’t bad. DLC will also be available via the in-game store and PSN. Definitely looking forward to this.
Rock Band: Unplugged is currently expected to be out by the end of the year based on how far developer Backbone Entertainment has gotten into the game’s development process. Stay tuned for more updates.
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Via Primotech