iPhone homebrew – Duke Nukem Sound Board
As the name says, this is a sound board featuring Duke Nukem‘s famous taunts and cussing. It’s always a good thing when you hear a trash-talking iPhone with the Duke’s voice, go show it off to your pals or something.
As the name says, this is a sound board featuring Duke Nukem‘s famous taunts and cussing. It’s always a good thing when you hear a trash-talking iPhone with the Duke’s voice, go show it off to your pals or something.
For a simple app, it does feature quite a library of the Duke’s lines, making eight categories. While it’s clearer and crisper than many sound boards out there, the app certainly isn’t running for iPhone app of the year. This one is just one of those fun toys that amuse you for a while.
As usual, it’s out in Cydia care of BigBoss.
More iPhone homebrew:
Via Installer Apps