WildSniper for LUA Released
Montrob from the forums has released his first real game for LUA called WildSniper. In it, you use the D-pad to move your pointer in order to shoot enemies. The right trigger is used to fire a shot, and pressing start will exit the game. Considering it’s his first build, this game does have it’s share of bugs. You can rapid fire on your enemies in order to rack up your score, and the timer stops at 1 instead of 0 at the finish. In the future, montrob is going to fix up his bugs, have enemies move and fight back, incorporate death animations, and even add a menu with difficulty settings. This is a great concept for a homebrew game, so be sure to leave him so feedback!
Download: [WildSniper for LUA]
Montrob from the forums has released his first real game for LUA called WildSniper. In it, you use the D-pad to move your pointer in order to shoot enemies. The right trigger is used to fire a shot, and pressing start will exit the game. Considering it’s his first build, this game does have it’s share of bugs. You can rapid fire on your enemies in order to rack up your score, and the timer stops at 1 instead of 0 at the finish. In the future, montrob is going to fix up his bugs, have enemies move and fight back, incorporate death animations, and even add a menu with difficulty settings. This is a great concept for a homebrew game, so be sure to leave him so feedback!
Download: [WildSniper for LUA]