Eureka! Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth confirmed for winter US release
The Nintendo DS will also be getting some Capcom love later this year with the US release of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, a spin-off of Capcom’s popular Ace Attorney series. The game is currently slated for a winter launch in the US. Check out the full article for details and a video.
The Nintendo DS will also be getting some Capcom love later this year with the US release of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, a spin-off of Capcom’s popular Ace Attorney series. The game is currently slated for a winter launch in the US.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth will star the titular prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wrght’s rival and friend (more than friends, if you happen to ask a rabid Miles-Phoenix shipper, but that’s neither here nor there). He’s accompanied by “mischievous thief” Kay Faraday and detective Dick Gumshoe.
This game’s twist is that it doesn’t take place in a courtroom. Instead, you get to walk around to various crime scenes and confront suspects with evidence of their wrongdoings. The “battles” will still be fought in a similar manner to the Court Battles in the main Ace Attorney games, though. Check out this gameplay trailer for a better idea.
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Via Capcom Unity