Wii homebrew – Crazy Intro v0.6, now with birthday feature
Still adding a whacky welcome to your Wii boot-up is WiiCrazy‘s Crazy Intro. Instead of the boring safety warnings and disclaimers from Nintendo, you can just display the picture of your favorite pornstar basketball team, accompanied by music from an mp3 file. The latest version just got a new birthday feature, as well as a couple of other things in the changelog.
Download: Crazy Intro v0.6
Still adding a whacky welcome to your Wii boot-up is WiiCrazy‘s Crazy Intro. Instead of the boring safety warnings and disclaimers from Nintendo, you can just display the picture of your favorite pornstar basketball team, accompanied by music from an mp3 file. The latest version just got a new birthday feature, as well as a couple of other things in the changelog.
- Using latest libogc, sdhc support along with it.
- Birthday feature added. If one of your miis have a birthday a customizable image displayed and an mp3/mod file played along with it greeting the user. Birthday feature uses Libmii.
- Press picture can use tilesets which can be used to create simple animations. For better description of the feature take a look at crazyintro-explained.xml in the archive. Also three images and three example configuration files supplied in the archive.
Download: Crazy Intro v0.6
Old version:
Via WiiCrazy