PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior: homebrew infiltrates the PSP-3000
Homebrew history was made this week when Davee and Team Typhoon finally released ChickHEN, finally breaching the PSP-3000‘s defenses and injecting homebrew into the lives of PSP-2000 owners whose units are equipped with the previously unhackable TA-088v3 motherboard. That’s not all that happened this week though. Read on for the rest of the PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior!
Homebrew history was made this week when Davee and Team Typhoon finally released ChickHEN, finally breaching the PSP-3000‘s defenses and injecting homebrew into the lives of PSP-2000 owners whose units are equipped with the previously unhackable TA-088v3 motherboard.
That’s not all that happened this week though. Read on for the rest of the PSP Homebrew Weekend Warrior!
Homebrew infiltrates the PSP-3000:
- The week was kicked off by the above video of a PSP-3000 running homebrew through Davee’s HEN. Link.
- R1 of the ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler launches, but it doesn’t actually let users run homebrew. Link.
- Back, back, back-aaawk: 5.03 ChickHEN gets unofficial fix. Link.
- Finally, ChickHEN R2 breaks down the PSP-3000’s high walls. Link.
- Now that ChickHEN’s out, what’s next? Not an ISO-capable 5.50 M33 CFW, that’s for sure. Link.
Homebrew Apps:
- Flash Spacer v3. Link.
- PSPaint v4.Link.
- LUA VLF lib v0.3. Link.
- PMPlayer Advance build 20090503. Link.
- Mp3Me Lib. Link.
- POPStation PSP v3.1. Link.
- PSPident v0.4. Link.
- Flash Dumper TEST Via HEN. Link.
Homebrew Gaming:
- JPCSP v0.02 rev1032. Link.
- Play!Piano. Link.
- Wolfenstein 3D v6.0 Final: now with AutoMap, new Gameloader and more. Link.
Other Cool Stuff:
- PSP controlled using PS/2 mouse. Link.
The week’s good news was also tinged with sadness, however, as long-time PSP homebrew developer and QJ.NET forums member Art has announced his retirement from the PSP homebrew scene. That’s not to say that he’s quitting for good, though. Art says he’s just shifting his focus to other avenues of development. Thanks for all the great apps, Art, and we look forward to the new stuff you come up with.
That’s it for this week, folks. Let’s see what the devs out there can come up with for the PSP-3000 next week.