iPhone Homebrew – iUSB Tunnel v1.2.0
The iUSB Tunnel version 1.2.0 is a homebrew application for the iPhone developed by nurkjon. It’s a simple gui that should make it easier for you to use SSH, VNC and Tethering with your iPhone over USB on a Windows machine.
The iUSB Tunnel version 1.2.0 is a homebrew application for the iPhone developed by nurkjon. It’s a simple gui that should make it easier for you to use SSH, VNC and Tethering with your iPhone over USB on a Windows machine.
It’s also described as a lightweight program, and is portable too – so you can run it wherever, whenever, from your USB stick. Other features include:
- WinSCP
- Putty
- Firefox Portable
- iTunnel
- TightVNC
- UltraVNC
You can get it through the dev’s site link below.
Via Nurkjon