Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings whips out story trailer
I’m not sure if hiding your relics in a booby-trapped dungeon was all the rage back in Moses’ time, but yeah, sure enough, the story behind Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings involves looking for that sea-parting stick of glory. Here’s a developer’s diary exploring more of that idea – how’d Indy end up looking for Moses’ staff anyway?
I’m not sure if hiding your relics in a booby-trapped dungeon was all the rage back in Moses’ time, but yeah, sure enough, the story behind Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings involves looking for that sea-parting stick of glory.
To elaborate more on the story of how this whole adventure starts out, LucasArts has released a video trailer outlining the backstory for the game. This video diary is actually the first in a series of videos they’ll be releasing leading up to the game’s street date next month.
If you’ve been iffy about the game so far, this vid’s got lots of gameplay and cut scene footage.
LucasArts’ Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings for the Wii, DS, PS2, and PSP will be out by June 12.
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