PSP homebrew – RPG Demo v3
Xteaph-N has released v3 of his RPG Demo in our forums, and he’s added an early framework of the town and overworld view. It’s still in the early stages of development, but those who enjoy the retro-Final Fantasy experience should see something to smile about. Why don’t you take a look at how the project’s coming along?
Download: RPG Demo v3
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
Xteaph-N has released v3 of his RPG Demo in our forums, and he’s added an early framework of the town and overworld view. It’s still in the early stages of development, but those who enjoy the retro-Final Fantasy experience should see something to smile about. Why don’t you take a look at how the project’s coming along?
Apart from the framework, Xteaph-N also fixed the magic targeting problem, which means you now get to pick which enemy you want fried with your spells – though, as X-teaph-N noted, it isn’t gonna matter to the player at this point.
Feedback would be much appreciated, so those of you who won’t mind spending a little time to help out, you could share a line or two about the brew in the forum thread or through the comments below.
Download: RPG Demo v3
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
Previous release: