Shin Megami Tensei: Persona simultaneous launch on retail and PSN
When Shin Megami Tensei: Persona launches on September 22, you’ll find that both the UMD version and the digital version via the PSN will both be available. Yes, Atlus has announced via the PS Blog US that both the game’s versions will be simultaneously launching.
When Shin Megami Tensei: Persona launches on September 22, you’ll find that both the UMD version and the digital version via the PSN will both be available. Yes, Atlus has announced via the PS Blog US that both the game’s versions will be simultaneously launching.
If you do choose to go “old school” and get the boxed retail copy, they’re even throwing in a bonus item for you in the form of a 2-CD soundtrack for the game. This will cost you no additional fee, so whatever it is you’re paying for the pre-order or whatnot will definitely be worth it. This would, however, only be limited for the retail launch, so if you haven’t pre-ordered for yourself, now would be a good time to do so.
Said Atlus, “Consider it our way of saying thanks to our customers and retail partners for years of support.”
Both the retail and digital copies of Persona are tagged for an MSRP of US$ 39.99.
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