PSN Cards to come in US$ 10 denomination
When the economy is the way it is and cash is a little hard to come by, sometimes you gotta cut down on the gaming splurge. For that, Best Buy will soon be stocking ten-dollar PSN Cards in addition to the US$ 20 and US$ 50 that they’ve already got.
When the economy is the way it is and cash is a little hard to come by, sometimes you gotta cut down on the gaming splurge. For that, Best Buy will soon be stocking ten-dollar PSN Cards in addition to the US$ 20 and US$ 50 that they’ve already got.
This can be real handy for those small purchases on PSN. There is, however, still no date indicating when it’ll be available. This isn’t a rumor though, it’s quite real, and it’s much welcome news.
More news about the PSN Cards: