PSP homebrew – PSPCleaner v1.5
Homebrew coder Migueliziosop has released a new update for PSPCleaner in time for the Scenery beta 2009. The handy homebrew utility that is designed to clean and delete files is now update to version 1.5. Notable features of the latest release includes stability upgrade, code cleanups and some other bug fixes.
Download: PSPCleaner v1.5
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder Migueliziosop has released a new update for PSPCleaner in time for the Scenery beta 2009. The handy homebrew utility that is designed to clean and delete files is now update to version 1.5. Notable features of the latest release includes stability upgrade, code cleanups and some other bug fixes.
Version 1.5 changelog:
- Fixed bugs whit Ad-Hoc
- Fixed bugs whit cookies
- Fixed bugs whit Flash1
- More Stability
- Now clean InfoBoard
- Now clean Nand dump’s of Hellcat‘s Recovery Flasher
- Now clean videos of PSPTube
- Now have a Folder’s Maker
- And more!
Download: PSPCleaner v1.5
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
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