Yoshihiro working on PSP app for playing new games on old firmware
Without a new custom firmware, those unwilling to upgrade to higher versions of the official PSP firmware are pretty much locked out of playing a lot of the new PSP games. Homebrew coder Yoshihiro may have a solution, however.
Thanks to Jonny P for the tip!
Without a new custom firmware, those unwilling to upgrade to higher versions of the official PSP firmware are pretty much locked out of playing a lot of the new PSP games. Homebrew coder Yoshihiro may have a solution, however.
QJ.NET reader Jonny P has pointed us towards an app called Game Decrypter. According to the translated description, this app will let you play new games on older firmware. Apparently Yoshihiro was able to successfully play MotorStorm: Arctic Edge on 5.03GEN (PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3) and 5.50GEN (PSP-2000 and PSP-1000).
The app is still a work in progress, but PSPGen reports that it should become available tonight. You can find out more about it at the source link.
Thanks to Jonny P for the tip!
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Via PSPGen