Killzone: Liberation Pre-E3 Preview
As you may know Killzone: Liberation for the PSP is not a first person shooter like other incarnation, but is actually a topdown third-person view action game. Of course though, there’s shooting. The crew over at IGN got a chance to get their mitts on this title, and had a few interesting tidbits to share.
“To start, players looking for a little continuity will definitely find it.” So although the game is quite different than the original, fans are still excited about it, and a lot of people who haven’t played it will most likely be interested in this. As far as the story goes, it’s still in the same post-apocalyptic setting, but is set two months after the first Killzone events.
In this game the enemy (Helghast) still rules a very big part of the game called ‘southern Vekta.’ You’ll play as Templar, who’s the hero from the first game. Story-wise the big difference between the first game and Killzone: Liberation is that you have to rescue hostages instead of preventing a global attack by the enemy, which gives the whole game another feeling.
Like most PSP games, you control your character with the analog stick. With the face and shoulder buttons you can do most of the ducking, rolling and of course shooting. There are a lot of action commands, for example pulling a switch or pressing a button. You might think it’s just shooting, but what’s an action game without explosions, right? In other words, you’ll have secondary weapons like grenades.
“Here’s a basic rundown: tapping left shoulder button causes a dodge roll, while tapping it once locks on to an enemy for strafing. The right shoulder button, on the other hand, makes characters duck and cover,” writes IGN in their preview.
The right button controls are easy; square fires primary weapons, while the circle button trows grenades and other secondary items. The X button does the action commands, which is a better choice than one of the shoulder buttons. When pressing ‘Select’ mission objectives and all that pops up.
Fortunately there’s also a multiplayer option, which has basic modes like deathmatch and team deathmatch, where you obviously have to kill your opponent. But it doesn’t stop there. Killzone: Liberation also has a ‘last man standing’ mode, where it’s chaos and you have to kill everyone until you’re the last man… standing. You can set an objective like destroy the enemy installation or destroy a target.
“But as far as regular old deathmatch is concerned, it’s fast, fun and very rewarding, even at this stage of development.” You can look forward to getting your own hands on Killzone later this year.
As you may know Killzone: Liberation for the PSP is not a first person shooter like other incarnation, but is actually a topdown third-person view action game. Of course though, there’s shooting. The crew over at IGN got a chance to get their mitts on this title, and had a few interesting tidbits to share.
“To start, players looking for a little continuity will definitely find it.” So although the game is quite different than the original, fans are still excited about it, and a lot of people who haven’t played it will most likely be interested in this. As far as the story goes, it’s still in the same post-apocalyptic setting, but is set two months after the first Killzone events.
In this game the enemy (Helghast) still rules a very big part of the game called ‘southern Vekta.’ You’ll play as Templar, who’s the hero from the first game. Story-wise the big difference between the first game and Killzone: Liberation is that you have to rescue hostages instead of preventing a global attack by the enemy, which gives the whole game another feeling.
Like most PSP games, you control your character with the analog stick. With the face and shoulder buttons you can do most of the ducking, rolling and of course shooting. There are a lot of action commands, for example pulling a switch or pressing a button. You might think it’s just shooting, but what’s an action game without explosions, right? In other words, you’ll have secondary weapons like grenades.
“Here’s a basic rundown: tapping left shoulder button causes a dodge roll, while tapping it once locks on to an enemy for strafing. The right shoulder button, on the other hand, makes characters duck and cover,” writes IGN in their preview.
The right button controls are easy; square fires primary weapons, while the circle button trows grenades and other secondary items. The X button does the action commands, which is a better choice than one of the shoulder buttons. When pressing ‘Select’ mission objectives and all that pops up.
Fortunately there’s also a multiplayer option, which has basic modes like deathmatch and team deathmatch, where you obviously have to kill your opponent. But it doesn’t stop there. Killzone: Liberation also has a ‘last man standing’ mode, where it’s chaos and you have to kill everyone until you’re the last man… standing. You can set an objective like destroy the enemy installation or destroy a target.
“But as far as regular old deathmatch is concerned, it’s fast, fun and very rewarding, even at this stage of development.” You can look forward to getting your own hands on Killzone later this year.