PSP homebrew – Go!Tube v1.1
Homebrew coder biscottealacrevette has dropped by our forums to give us a heads-up on the latest version of Go!Tube, a homebrew streaming application for the PSP similar to the awesome Ultimate PSPtube but with some additional features. Notable changes of the latest release includes – added HightMemoryMod, now supports GoTube Updater repository and more.
Download: Go!Tube v1.1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder biscottealacrevette has dropped by our forums to give us a heads-up on the latest version of Go!Tube, a homebrew streaming application for the PSP similar to the awesome Ultimate PSPtube but with some additional features. Notable changes of the latest release includes – added HightMemoryMod, now supports GoTube Updater repository and more.
Developer’s note:
Go!Tube was originally created to replace UltimatePSPtube beacause a lot of his site doesn’t work but why continue this work ? because i’m not the only dev of gotube’s script (actualy yes but I hope it will change). concretely that mean GoTube include a online updater (go to the radioplayer to use it), this online player load a list of dev and they script’s folder and display them to you. after that you can choose what site you want include in GoTube.
As you can see there is a new feature in gotube , the next site are now previewed in top of the screen (i know you understand why i’ve made that ^^) if you want remove this feature and go back to the original mode, go to the cfg.js and replace 1 by 0 in the PSP.multiView attribut
I’ll probably not read your reply so if you want to know how to make your own script , i’ve relased the API of GoTube (some parte are same as PSPtube). if you’ve never used javascript don’t try to do this job. and if you find any bug : request a debugging here : Issues – gotube – Project Hosting on Google Code
all change are from PSPtube, not from Ultimate PSPtube
- 1.1 added HightMemoryMod work with the “ms0:/PSP/GAME/GoTube?/” confuguration, to desactiveate HMM : delete EBOOT.PBP , rename GT into EBOOT.PBP
- added repository support to GoTube Updater
- added function ext(from[,to])
- modded some char path, now in relative
Download: Go!Tube v1.1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums