PSP homebrew – PRXdecrypter v2.4b

pspred_thumbHomebrew coder jas0nuk has released a new version of his PRXdecrypter, a very handy homebrew app that let’s you decrypt, decompress and extract PRX modules that is included in the firmware updates, custom firmwares, demos and games. The latest update of the brew has added a new key to decrypt the files pops_04g.prx from 6.XX firmwares. It also includes some minor fixes and a few other improvements.


Download: PRXdecrypter v2.4b



Homebrew coder jas0nuk has released a new version of his PRXdecrypter, a very handy homebrew app that let’s you decrypt, decompress and extract PRX modules that is included in the firmware updates, custom firmwares, demos and games. The latest update of the brew has added a new key to decrypt the files pops_04g.prx from 6.XX firmwares. It also includes some minor fixes and a few other improvements.



  • Decryption error for an old key, tag 0x4C940AF0, fixed.
  • Decryption key added for pops_04g.prx from 6.XX firmwares – tag 0x457B1EF0
  • Slightly more information when encryption is likely to fail (SHA-1 check warning)
  • NOTE: key for tag 0x2E5E10F0 does not appear to be working due to a new encryption method. I’ll look into it.
  • New EBOOT.BIN key added for tag 0x2E5E12F0. As above, might not work.


Download: PRXdecrypter v2.4b




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