Dragon Age: Origins Darkspawn Chronicles lets you play as the enemy

daoRemember that Dragon Age: Origins DLC pack we reported on yesterday? The one that had a release date but no other info about it? Well, EA and BioWare have finally deemed it time to announce what exactly it contains.






Remember that Dragon Age: Origins DLC pack we reported on yesterday? The one that had a release date but no other info about it? Well, EA and BioWare have finally deemed it time to announce what exactly it contains.


As is probably evident from the title (in hindsight, at least), the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC pack will let players step into the shoes of the Blight’s corrupted darkspawn army as a hurlock vanguard. You’ll be able to control everything from genlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and even ogres. Here’s a feature list:


  • Imagine a world without heroes, where the greatest among you never became a Grey Warden.
  • Play through the Fall of Denerim from the perspective of the darkspawn.
  • Complete the module and unlock an epic darkspawn item for use in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening.
  • Use the “Enthrall” ability – recruit any darkspawn you encounter into your party.


Darkspawn Chronicles is currently tracking a May 18 release on PC for 400 BioWare points and the Xbox Live Marketplace for 400 MS Points. It’ll be available for US$ 5 / £3.99 / €4.99 on the PlayStation Store, although a PS3 release date has yet to be announced.





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