David Cage: Heavy Rain ‘unfinished’ due to Move support
The addition of Move support to Heavy Rain is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it lets players experience the game in a whole new way. On the other, it ended up costing gamers additional DLC. The latter is something Quantic Dream’s David Cage finds very lamentable.
The addition of Move support to Heavy Rain is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it lets players experience the game in a whole new way. On the other, it ended up costing gamers additional DLC. The latter is something Quantic Dream’s David Cage finds very lamentable.
“Chronicles are on hold as all the team is focused on Heavy Rain Move,” Cage told NowGamer. “We proposed three episodes about one hour long and being focused on the background of the main characters. I thought fans would really enjoy these episodes because they explained many aspects of HR and why characters are who they are.”
“Unfortunately, Sony preferred to ask us to focus on Move to support the device rather than on creating new content,” added Cage. “On our side, we did not want to spend more time on HR, which would have meant delaying new projects. This is a decision I can understand, and I am certainly happy we had the opportunity to play with this device and to support it, although I am certainly disappointed for fans we could not finish the story of Heavy Rain the way we intended.”
The only downloadable Heavy Rain episode that saw the light of day was The Taxidermist.
Via [NowGamer]